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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

6 more weeks 'til graduation.

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And 4 more weeks 'til I present my senior project, which is all I sleep / eat / breathe / feel / am worth.

It's kind of a bummer, because I wish I could enjoy the newly-sprouted blossoms and warm, sunshine-y weather of springtime. Most of my days are spent in windowless basements, so I don't even get to stare longingly outside.

No worries though, because as of now I don't have a job post-graduation. So I will have LOTS of time to sit in the sun and recoup any grain of sanity I have left. At least that's what I tell myself as I lose touch with reality.

Regarding completing senior project, job hunting, or finding something else to do after graduation, my attitude has slowly shifted from


and currently

which I think is quite a common series of emotions for people completing their senior thesis or project.

To anyone else out there going through the same thing, I UNDERSTAND. We will get through this together. There's strength in numbers. Fellow graduating-students-who-are-procrastinating-on-the-internet, I SALUTE YOU.